Spencer and Fleetwood

Candy Nipple Tassels

Candy Nipple Tassels


2 nipple tassels made of candy and have special adhesive stickers to apply to the body..

Candy Posing Pouch

Candy Posing Pouch


Sweet & Sexy..

Cumfetti Sperm Shaped Confetti Party Popper

Cumfetti Sperm Shaped Confetti Party Popper


Superb novelty gift 15cm tall party poppers containing sperm shaped confetti...

Duck With A Dick

Duck With A Dick


Enhance someone's bathing experience with this adorable rubber duck…with a twist…. or rather a Dick!..

Emergency Vibrator

Emergency Vibrator


In case of an emergency break out the vibrator. 5.25 inches of procedure when you're seeking urgent ..

Fruit Flavoured Jelly Boobs

Fruit Flavoured Jelly Boobs


Fruit Flavoured Jelly Boobs..

Fruit Flavoured Jelly Willies

Fruit Flavoured Jelly Willies


Fruit flavoured jelly willies...

Gummy Condoms x10

Gummy Condoms x10


10 strawberry flavoured foil-wrapped gummy condoms.Not in the slightest effective as contraceptives,..

Gummy Love Rings

Gummy Love Rings


A box of 3 cherry flavoured gummy cock rings...

Showing 10 to 18 of 29 (4 Pages)